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World Glaucoma Week is now right around the corner (from March 10 to 16) and we need to get people to talk about it! Glaucoma is a common chronic disease, affecting over 55 million people worldwide, making it one of the most frequent causes of blindness and vision loss. With patient’s best interest at heart, Laboratoires Théa has been developing a fully documented material on glaucoma untitled the “Living with glaucoma or ocular hypertension”. Over 80 international glaucoma and ocular specialists have been working on making this document the most thorough and accurate possible, including over 30 pieces of recent scientific evidence, all in patient-friendly language. We are very pleased to present you these infographics designed out of this material that will help you know more on glaucoma disease, treatment and prevention. Please feel free to like and share.laboratoiresthea theapharma glaucoma worldglaucomaweek