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До вашої уваги! Після повномасштабного вторгнення РФ, усю комерційну та маркетингову діяльність, яка здійснювалась на російському ринку через дочірню компанію Théa Pharma, призупинено
The 14th EGS Resident Course featured a series of DryLab workshop sessions organized by Théa for YOs.
We have always admired the extraordinary force of character of our ancestor, Paul Chibret, a young military doctor and future ophthalmologist, who, in 1870, left his home town in France to relieve human suffering in Algeria, and more specifically fight against the disease trachoma.
Théa’s human capital ensures its prosperity and constitutes its main strategic resource.
Visit Théa Careers page
Théa has its own commercial and marketing structure in the main European countries:
France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Ireland
and in Northern Africa (Morocco) and in South America (Mexico),as well as an exclusive sales force in some countries distributors (Algeria, Tunisia) and distributors throughout the rest of the world.
Ukraine, 04070, Kyiv,
street. Voloskaya 51/27 B, office 1
Tel.: +38 (044) 467 5770