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Signature of a convention with the College of Ophthalmologists, University of France (COUF), in order to launch e-learning in Ophthalmology, with a large number of modules dedicated to the following themes : Optical, refraction, Paediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus / Cornea, Ocular Surface, as well as Glaucoma, Cataracts, Refractive Surgery / Retina, Inflammation / basics.
December 2017. Training in Cataract Surgery, by simulator and via Dry Lab sessions, for 3 young Maghrebian Residents at the CHRU Hospital in Clermont Ferrand.
June 2017. Meeting of the Fondation’s Théa Scientific Committee in Barcelona (Spain).
May 2017. Professor Jeannette TRAORE from the Faculty of Medicine and Odontostomatology (FMOS), Bamako, and head of the training department at the IOTA teaching hospital (CHU-IOTA), receives the 2017 Jean and Jacques Chibret prize from the Fondation Théa at the SFO congress.
June 2016. Following the signature of the agreement on June 24th, 2015, the Fondation Théa signs a convention with the Algerian Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform (MSRH) covering the fields of: 1) Prevention and fight against trachoma, 2) Information, awareness raising and education in the prevention and early diagnosis of the complications of certain blinding eye diseases, 3) Training primary health care professionals in these diseases.
December 2015. Support of the training program by “Ophtalmos Sans Frontière” (OSF), the long-standing partner of Laboratoires Théa and the Fondation Théa in the fight against trachoma in North Cameroon (Maroua region).
Autumn 2015. Support for the purchase of the necessary equipment for eye diseases and reconstructive surgery for the Ophthalmology department of the Bourgou Hospital (CHD-Bourgou) in Parakou, Benin.
24 June 2015. The Fondation Théa signs a partnership agreement with the Algerian authorities to support them in their programme to prevent and fight against blinding eye diseases in Algeria. The signature of the agreement is the culmination of a successful partnership started in October 2012. For four years the Fondation Théa has provided support in 12 districts of South Algeria: support of the 3rd World Sight Day (in the Ouargla district), financing of 5000 posters to raise children’s awareness, financing of material for the Algerian Association for the Fight against Blindness, funding to transport doctors to consultations and surgery.
5 june 2015. Meeting of the Fondation’s Théa Scientific Committee in Vienna, Austria. The priorities of the Fondation Théa, as defined by the Scientific Committee in 2012, are maintained:
1. Geographical zone: Africa, primarily French-speaking and Portuguese-speaking countries.
2. Fields of intervention: the fight against trachoma and medical training.
May 2015. Dr Abdou Amza is awarded the Jean and Jacques Chibret prize by the Fondation Théa during the French SFO congress.
2015. A grant is awarded in the framework of the EVER association for an internship at the Medical University of Vienna (Austria)
2015. Partnership with the “Ojos del Mundo Foundation” to organise training in the Dogon region of Mali in the fight against trachoma (aid given in the training of primary eye care providers and for the purchase of equipment).
2015. The Fondation Théa continues its partnership in Algeria in the fight against trachoma, principally through public information brochures, education and training of medical staff.
May 2014. Meeting of the Fondation Théa’s Scientific Committee in Paris.
13 may 2014. During the SFO congress, the Fondation Théa acknowledges the commitment of Dr Seydou BAKAYOKO at the head of the Institute of African Tropical Ophthalmology (IOTA) in Bamako (Mali) by awarding him the Fondation Théa medal.
February/March 2014. Support of the training programme by “Ophtalmos Sans Frontière” (OSF), the long-standing partner of Laboratoires Théa and the Fondation Théa in the fight against trachoma in North Cameroon (Maroua region).
February 2014. Training in Clermont-Ferrand of 5 pharmacists from the African continent in the preparation of topical ocular cyclosporine.
2014. Funding of admission fees for a 6-month fellowship in orbital and oculoplasty at the Avarind Eye Care Hospital in India for an ophthalmologist, head of department from Benin.
2014. The Fondation Théa continues its partnership in Algeria in the fight against trachoma. In April 2014, medical teams supported by the Fondation Théa examine and treat 260 000 primary school pupils from 12 districts in the South of the country and 3 districts in the high plateau area.
2014. Co-funding by Laboratoires Théa of a surgery simulator in association with the University of Auvergne, the Gabriel-Montpied teaching hospital in Clermont-Ferrand and Quantel Medical, in order to equip the ophthalmology department with an ultra-modern training tool.
2013. Co-funding of the purchase of a freeze dryer of amniotic membranes, in cooperation with the Cornea Bank Association of Normandy, and “Ophtalmos Sans Frontière” (OSF), for the Rouen teaching hospital with a view to delivering amniotic membranes to developing African countries.
May 2013. Meeting of the Fondation’s Théa Scientific Committee at the “Institut de la Vision”, Paris.
April 2013. FFunding of training in endothelial grafts and other transplants at the Clermont-Ferrand teaching hospital for a Moroccan ophthalmologist, head of department in a teaching hospital (Morocco)
2013. Funding of a 3-month training course at the Conakry Medical Faculty in Guinea for an ophthalmologist from the Benin NGO, Bethesda.
2013. Commitment by the Fondation Théa to support the ICO (International Council of Ophthalmology) “Teaching the Teachers” programme for a period of 3 years.
October 2012. The fight against trachoma in Algeria.
September 2012. Funding of a 3-month training course in cataract surgery for a doctor from the Benin NGO, Bethesda (Post Graduate Diploma in Ophthalmology – DESSO – at the Conakry Medical Faculty).
September 2012. The Fondation Théa funds a training course in caratact surgery for Dr SOKADJO, from the Benin NGO, Bethesda (Post Graduate Diploma in Ophthalmology – DESSO – at the Conakry Medical Faculty).
27 april 2012. Board of Trustees: 1st meeting of the Fondation’s Théa Scientific Committee in Paris.
26 april 2012. The Board of Trustees of the Théa corporate Fondation Théa nominates 10 scientific experts as members of the Fondation’s Théa Scientific Committee.
14 april 2012. Publication in the French Official Journal announcing the creation of the Fondation Théa